Chardon Fire Department

Chardon Fire Dept
Fire / Rescue / EMS / Education
2023 Total Calls: 2,326
Fire / EMS Radio Traffic streamed live on the Pulsepoint Respond App and at
Then click on the link... any unit with a "3300" or "33XX" designation is a Chardon FD unit.
Most Fire and Motor Vehicle Accident calls are sent out to our Twitter feed: @chardonfire

Chief''s Corner - Chief Justin Geiss
Summertime News from Chief Justin Geiss
2023 was a record setting year for the Chardon Fire Department, as we set a record for the number of calls: 2326. Over 28% or our calls occurred when we were already out on another call. We have recently purchased a 3rd ambulance, due to the number of calls. The purchase price has skyrocketed to a whopping $328,000, without equipment!
We have recently created a Community Risk Reduction Officer position. Ali Haefke, one of our full-time firefighter/paramedics, has assumed this role, and is responsible for assessing the need for help for residents who need community services. One of the objectives of this program is to keep residents from ending up back in the hospital or having a need for an ambulance in the first place. Crews will be looking for safety issues during patient encounters and Ali will get referrals from them. Ali will be looking for household safety hazards, lack of food, lack of smoke detectors, and recurrent or frequent ambulance calls to specific addresses. Ali will also take over our community CPR / First Aid training program. You can reach her at ahaefke@chardonfire.com.
Our volume of trauma calls goes up this time of year, so just a reminder to keep an eye on the little ones. Accidental trauma is the leading cause of childhood injury and death. We suggest bike helmets, life jackets while in or near the water, and routine adult supervision. Swim lessons provide an extra measure of protection, should a person end up in the water unexpectedly. Grills, fire pits, and heat sources are more frequently the cause of burns this time of year. Keep the fire extinguisher nearby when participating in these outdoor activities. Motorcycles have returned to the roads, and we've already had a few bad traumatic accidents involving them. Please be watchful for motorcycle riders.
Have a safe and happy summer, and feel free to come up to the station and let the kids see the fire trucks. We'd be happy to see you.
-Chief Justin Geiss
Chardon Fire Deparment